Urban Exploration - Villefranche sur Mer

One of the pleasures of being in a foreign place is getting lost on purpose. And while I usually get lost alone (see entries on Hong Kong, Shanghai and Jerusalem ), for this trip, I was very lucky to be in the company of my two cousins and partners-in-crime, Clark and Argee . For once, there could actually be a picture of me (hell-yeah!), instead of just the scenery. After the day-trip to Monaco , we had about four hours to kill before the cruise ship was to depart. And while everyone else was already on board the ship (sleeping/eating/gambling/enjoying the theatrical production of Grease ), Argee and I decided to explore Villefranche a bit longer. * My partner in crime, Argee , trying his best to look like one of the locals.. with his huge camera bag, US marine hat and Back to the Future sneakers.