
Hitler's Munich and the Third Reich Tour

Munich , apart from being historical capital of the Kingdom of Bavaria , is also infamous for being the birthplace of the Nazi Party . It was in these streets, after the humiliating defeat at the hands of the Allies during World War I, that disenfranchised and unemployed young men started meeting regularly to debate and argue about the problems of the German people. Munich at this time was very politically charged, with communists, anarchists, liberals, and fascists arguing incessantly.  For most of the old photos found on this entry, a HUGE thanks to our friends over at * Munich's Town Hall , a beautiful landmark defaced by the disgraceful Nazi Swastika banner.

Hofbrauhaus and the Oktoberfest Festival

Now it won't be a trip to Munich without a stop at the mythical Hofbrauhaus , the spiritual home of beer and the world-famous Oktoberfest , an annual festival for beer lovers the world over!  * Founded in 1589 by  Wilhelm V,   Duke of Bavaria , the Hofbrauhaus is one of Munich's oldest beer halls and was the place that wrote the book on the famous and revered Bavarian Beer Purity Law.

Jerusalem - Holy Land of the Three Abrahamic Faiths


Earth Hour 2016

Earth Hour is best spent bonding with loved ones, sound trippin', and reflecting. Have a good break, my planet! #ChangeClimateChange #EarthHour

Happy St. Patrick's Day 2016!!!

To pints of Guinness and Irish Car Bombs! Happy St. Patrick's Day!!